Come Join our Electric Vehicle Association!
The Three Rivers EVA is an organization of electric vehicle owners, educators, hobbyists and enthusiasts dedicated to promoting the use of electric vehicles (EVs) as a better, more environmentally friendly energy alternative for transportation.
Owning an EV is not a requirement in order to attend meetings. We encourage everyone who is interested in learning more about electric vehicle technology to come out to one of our monthly meetings or electric car shows.
Our Club in the NEWS!
The Three Rivers EVA hosted a reporter and photographer from TribLive. Jeff Himler and Shane Dunlap braved the brisk snowy Saturday to talk to club members about our experiences driving electric. It was a very nice article with great pictures.
It was published online at TribLive,
printed in the Sunday,
February 18th Local Section of the Tribune Review and also appeared in the February 29th edition of several local papers (Murrysville Star, Monroeville Times Express) owned by the Trib.
The online article was titled "Murrysville based car club charged up about switch to electric cars".
Regular Monthly Meeting
Saturday, March 15th
Monthly meeting at 10 AM at Laird Hall.
Zoom option available.
See our Meeting page for other upcoming meeting dates.
Upcoming Events:
Earth Day Events:
Earth Day Events - sponsored by Plug in America.
Find a local event by visiting the Drive Electric
Earth Month website.
Three Rivers EVA Merchandise
Come check out our new Merchandise Store. We have t-shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, tank tops and other items with our Three Rivers EVA logo.
How can you join our club?
Come join us in person at a monthly meeting, car show or event. Or contact us by email and ask to be added to our Three Rivers EVA Email List.
Prefer to interact online? Ask to be added to our Facebook Group.
You can also contact us at 724-387-8210.
EV Workshop:
Would you like to see our club put on another EV Workshop? Please contact our club at 724-387-8210 or attend one of our monthly meetings.
Thank you to those who attended our first EV 101 Workshop (EV 101: What to Know Before You Buy).